Sclofsky S. (2024). "Crime, Violence, and Democracy in the Andean Region and the Southern Cone," US Department of State's Foreign Service Institute.
Sclofsky S. (2024). "Capitalism and State Violence." California Faculty Association 2024 Equity Conference. Sclofsky. S. (2023). "Crime and Violence in the Andean Region and the Southern Cone," US Department of State's Foreign Service Institute.
Sclofsky, S. (2023). "Violencia Organizada, Derechos Humanos, y Justicia Transicional en Mexico, Brasil, y Estados Unidos," UNAM Boston. To access video click here
Sclofsky, S. (2022). "Rol de la Policía en la Prevención de la Violencia y el Uso y Abuso de Tecnología de Reconocimiento Facial," Parlamento de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Sclofsky, S. (2022). "Violencia Policial y Vulnerabilidad," Organización Social Salvador, Mundo Afro, y Casa de Cultura Mordejai Anilevich, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Sclofsky, S. (2022). "Football, Society, and Politics," Columbia University.
Sclofsky, S. (2022). "Crime and State Violence in Brazil," US Department of State's Foreign Service Institute
Sclofsky, S. (2022). "Racismo y Violencia en Estados Unidos," Universidad ORT, Uruguay.
Sclofsky, S. (2022). “’Constructing Preto’: Police Violence and the Construction of Race in São Paulo and Los Angeles,” Institute of Historical Research, University of London.
Sclofsky, S. (2021). “Violência Urbana no Brasil,” Escola de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento dos Profissionais da Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Click Here
Sclofsky, S. (2021). "Trump y los Límites a la Democracia Estadounidense," Universidad ORT, Uruguay.
Sclofsky, S. (2021). “Neoliberalism, Policing, and Violence in Urban Brazil,” Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Sclofsky, S. (2021). “The Doctrines of National Security and its Consequences Today,” U.S. Department of State's Foreign Service Institute.
Sclofsky, S. (2021). “El Ataque al Capitolio,” Interview for Uruguay’s National Television Network.
Sclofsky, S. (2020). “From hyper-violence to hyper-fear: Crime and State Violence in Brazil and Uruguay,” U.S. Department of State's Foreign Service Institute. Sclofsky, S. (2020). "Police violence and Black genocide in Brazil and the US," Online conversation with activists and students from São Paulo.
Sclofsky, S. (2019). "Social Justice Issues Highlighted by the Prison Abolition Movement" Social Justice in the Central Valley Conference, Turlock, CA.
Sclofsky, S. (2019). "Marielle Franco's Assassination: Militias, Evangelists, and Bolsonaro," University of the District of Columbia.
Sclofsky, S (2019). "Zero-Tolerance in the Río de la Plata: The development of Broken Windows Policing in Uruguay 2010-2017," American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Sclofsky, S. (2019). "Policing and the Formation of Authoritarian Enclaves," Centering the Margins: Addressing the Implementation Gap of Critical Criminology. Ann Arbor, MI.
If you are interested in any of these presentations contact me...